Clean wii u lens
Clean wii u lens

clean wii u lens

Hardware issue – If none of the methods below help you to fix the issue, it’s very likely that you’re dealing with a hardware issue (most likely related to the optical drive).In this case, there is no fix other than exchanging the game with a compatible version. If your console is from a different region than your game, it’s certainly why you are getting this read error. Console and Game regions are incompatible – A region lock can also be responsible for the apparition of this particular issue.

clean wii u lens

In this case, you can fix the problem by connecting your console to the Internet and then updating it to the latest available firmware from the System Settings menu.

  • Outdated System firmware – With certain games, you might see this error due to the fact that your current system firmware is outdated.
  • In this case, you can force the Classic Wii mode from the settings menu of your Wii U console.
  • Wii Mode doesn’t start automatically – As it turns out, this problem can also occur in instances where you’re trying to play a classic Wii game but your console is not able to start the Classic Wii Mode automatically.
  • Additionally, if you are tech-savvy, you can take the optical drive apart and use a microfiber imbibed in isopropyl alcohol to fix the problem. In this case, the easiest and most efficient way to fix the problem is to use the official Wii U Lens Cleaning Kit.
  • Dirty Console Lens – Lint or dust accumulation inside the console lense can also be the main cause that will trigger this particular error code.
  • Isopropyl alcohol is a must in order to avoid leaving behind by-products that might produce damage to the optical block.

    clean wii u lens

    In this case, you can use isopropyl alcohol to clean the disc with a microfiber cloth using the right movements so that you avoid damaging the data. Dirty Game Disc – One of the most common instances that will trigger this particular error code is a dirty game disc.

    Clean wii u lens